Why I write
The Dead Sea is dead because it has no outlet. All the good things that flow into that sea stagnate there and choke life out. That happens to people, too. Happened to me. So I take up this blog as an outlet and platform for sharing my wandering. Because life is meant to be shared. And I hope you’ll find some good things for your journey here.
My Experience
I am a priest in the Episcopal Church since 2023 and a fundamentalist Baptist preacher before that. (Yes, there’s a journey there.) I have also been a military chaplain since 2009 in the Army National Guard and the United States Navy. Along the way, I have gained 4 units of Clinical Pastoral Education and 48 hours of graduate work in Marriage and Family Therapy. I start a doctorate in the Fall.
My Journey
My physical wandering has taken me from the Carolinas to Maine and New Hampshire to Florida to the Amazon rainforest to Pennsylvania to Kuwait to Japan and South Korea to California and next to Guam. My spiritual wandering has led me from the farthest fringes of conservative Christianity to the Episcopal Church which has recently made a name for itself by being the opposite.
My Goals
With this blog, I plan to share my wandering. I plan to create, to philosophize about many and varied subjects from spirituality and religion to politics to life to travel. I plan to share how I see the world and what I think I have learned about it along the way.
This is my personal space and site. I am speaking for myself and only myself. Nothing I say here represents the respective positions of the Episcopal Church or the United States Navy or government in any way. Also, this is not a therapy site. If you need therapy help in a crisis of any kind, call 988 for 24-hour-a-day help.
Rules of the Blog
You will be free to comment on my blog posts. While I welcome feedback and interactions — even intense ones — I will not tolerate belittling or demeaning others. So keep the disagreements and debates focused on the subjects and ideas, please. And I claim the right to delete comments and/or ban people who cannot argue civilly.