Not all who wander are lost…
I’ve done my share of wandering. New England, the Carolinas, California, the Middle East, Japan and more. And I’ve wandered from one end of Christianity to the other. I’ve had to face myself along the way. I still do. This blog is about my wandering — where I’ve been, where I’m going, tracing the threads. Most of all, it’s my effort to embrace who I am where I am. Wandering with purpose. I thank you for paying a visit and hope you will find something here for your wandering or journey.
A couple of disclaimers at the start. First, this site is my own and represents my views and mine alone. Nothing here represents the views or opinions of the United States Navy, US government, or the Episcopal Church. Second, this is not a therapy site. Nothing said here constitutes professional counseling, nor should anything said here substitute for professional help. If you need counseling or support in a crisis, call 988 any time of the day or night for immediate professional aid.

David Wooten
Priest, Chaplain, Wanderer